Minimally Invasive
Prostate Cancer

High Intensity
Focused Ultrasound

Non-Invasive Precision Treatment
for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer poses a significant health risk for middle-aged and older men

According to World Cancer Research, over the course of 2020 there were more than 1.4 million new cases of prostate cancer recorded worldwide. This means that prostate cancer is now the second most commonly occurring cancer in men.

While all men—regardless of their racial or ethnic backgrounds—are at risk of developing prostate cancer, men of African and Afro-Caribbean descent have an especially high risk of contracting the disease.

The following tables show the countries with the highest incidence of prostate cancer relative to population and the highest number of recorded deaths due to prostate cancer relative to population in 2020.

Countries with the Highest Incidences & Deaths due to Prostate Cancer Worldwide in 2020
(relative to population)

Rank Country Incidence
1 Guadeloupe 722
2 Martinque 659
3 Ireland 4,503
4 Barbados 279
5 Saint Lucia 135
6 Estonia 1,228
7 Puerto Rico 2,742
8 Sweden 10,949
9 France 66,070
10 Bahamas 201
Rank Country Deaths
1 Zimbabwe 868
2 Barbados 137
3 Haiti 1,533
4 Zambia 823
5 Jamaica 844
6 Trinidad and Tobago 403
7 Bahamas 72
8 Dominican Republic 2,228
9 Saint Lucia 54
10 Côte d’Ivoire 1,600

Research shows that if you want to have the best chance of making a full recovery, it is vital that you catch the disease as early as possible. So, if you are forty-five or over, call your local healthcare centre or clinic and arrange to have a prostate health check-up and a PSA test.

What is a PSA test?

A PSA test is a measurement of the level of Prostate Specific Antigen, or PSA, in the blood. PSA is a protein produced by normal healthy cells in the prostate gland. When a man develops prostate cancer, cancerous prostate cells proliferate causing an elevation in the PSA level.

We highly recommend that you arrange to have an annual prostate health check, including a PSA test. Make an appointment with your local GP. This will ensure that any change in your PSA level will be spotted early.

If you have early-to-intermediate stage prostate cancer, HIFU Therapy will enable you to be treated in a minimally invasive way, eliminating your prostate cancer whilst maintaining your full quality of life.

Don’t put it off!
Make an appointment to see your doctor or healthcare provider and book a PSA test today!

What is HIFU Therapy?

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a revolutionary treatment for prostate cancer that uses a pair of image guided, high-energy ultrasound beams to accurately target, heat and destroy cancerous areas within the prostate.

HIFU Therapy has proven to be just as effective as radical prostatectomy, hormone therapy and radiotherapy for prostate cancer but without the downsides of those treatments.

Traditional prostate cancer surgery often leaves men with long-term erectile dysfunction

During the HIFU procedure, your consultant will use precise imaging to guide the ultrasound waves, allowing for accurate targetting of the specific area of cancerous prostate tissue while avoiding the delicate structures that control uninary and erectile function.

A single HIFU treatment session is performed under general anaesthetic and usually takes from one to two hours.

The procedure is well-tolerated by most men and so once you have recovered from the anaesthetic (after about 90 minutes), you will be free to leave the hospital.

HIFU will spare you life-changing complications!
Following a radical prostatectomy
10% will be significantly incontinent!
40% will need to wear an incontinence pad.

3 KEY benefits
of HIFU therapy

No invasive surgery

No invasive surgery

Minimally-invasive procedure results in rapid post-op recovery as there’s no wound to heal and none of your body’s delicate structures are surgically removed.

No radiation treatment

No damaging radiation

Minimal impact on sexual potency and urinary continence thereby preserving your quality of life. And your partner will love it too!

No hormone treatment

No hormone therapy

No hormone therapy required so there’s no reduction in your natural testosterone production, either before or after HIFU therapy, so you won’t have to deal with the accompanying negative effects.

Get More Info

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Find out more about
Focussed Ultrasound

for prostate cancer

Already Have a diagnosis of Prostate Cancer?

If you’ve already been diagnosed with prostate cancer, we may still be able to help you. Please complete the secure form below and a member of our friendly team will get in touch within 24 hours.