Medical and Surgical Treatments

Minimally-invasive surgical and non-surgical procedures

Finding a consultant

If you are dealing with a difficult health issue, we understand how stressful it can be when trying to decide which consultant would be best suited to help you. 👨‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️

To relieve you of a lot of unnecessary stress and worry, we will match you with a highly-skilled and personable UK-based consultant, who will be very experienced in performing minimally invasive treatments for your particular condition.

Friendly Medical Team

What are minimally invasive treatments?

Minimally invasive treatments fall into two main categories: surgical and non-surgical.


Minimally invasive surgery, also known as laparoscopic or keyhole surgery, is a type of surgical technique involving the use of one or more small incisions rather than the larger ones used during open surgery.

Key benefits, include:

  • 🦠🚫Reduced risk of infection

    A significant advantage of minimally invasive surgery is a reduced risk of infection. Because the incisions made during this type of surgery are smaller, there is less exposure to bacteria, and the risk of infection is significantly lower than in traditional open surgeries.

  • 🏎Faster recovery times and less postoperative pain

    If you elect to undergo minimally invasive surgery you can expect less pain and discomfort after your procedure than if you had open surgery. A quicker recovery time means less dependence on pain medication.

  • 🍑Reduced scarring

    You may be concerned about the appearance of scars following a procedure. Incisions used in minimally invasive procedures are typically smaller than those used in traditional surgeries. The resulting scars are usually less noticeable and may fade more quickly over time.


Minimally invasive non-surgical treatments offer a range of benefits compared with traditional surgical procedures.

Key benefits include:

  • ⚠️🚫 Fewer risks

    Non-surgical minimally invasive treatments are generally associated with fewer risks and complications compared to invasive surgeries as they don't require large incisions or general anaesthesia.

  • Shorter recovery time

    Minimally invasive non-surgical procedures typically require even shorter recovery times than minimally invasive surgeries, allowing you to resume normal daily activities sooner, sometimes the day after your procedure!

  • 🔎 Often no visible scarring

    Scarring is often less visible and less extensive than with traditional surgeries.

  • 💰 Lower cost

    In general, non-surgical minimally invasive treatments are less expensive than invasive surgeries, making them a more cost-effective option.

Minimally invasive treatments offer a safer, less painful and cosmetically less visible outcome for a wide range of procedures.

Example minimally invasive treatments

We are here to help

Start your journey back to health by telling us what your specific healthcare needs are.

Please complete and submit our Needs Assessment form and a member of our friendly team will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

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Want to know more about minimally invasive treatments?

If you have a question you’d like to ask us about any minimally invasive procedure, or to find out more about our services in general, please complete the contact form below.